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Your easy way


+ 420 603 275 852

Your request

Our concern

Express transport from 3.5 t to 7.5 t throughout Europe.

Our services

Transport in the Czech Republic

We offer fast and safe transport of Volkswagen and Ranault cars up to 3.5 t.

Transport in the EU

We offer fast and safe transport of Volkswagen and Ranault cars up to 3.5 t and also large-volume VOLVO FM D13-420 up to 7.5 t

Bulk transport is not a problem

Do you have a large load? Our two cars

VOLVO FM D13-420 up to 7.5t can handle it ...

Securing cargo and security

All cargo is safely secured and controlled both during loading and during the trip ...


It's never been easier!

Long distance

Cargo insurance

95% recommendation rate

Our satisfied customers

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. ”

Dara and James Levine

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